有没有系统变量是指向光驱的? (无内容)
[这个贴子最后由superczy在 2003/12/29 01:24pm 第 1 次编辑]
:em02: 自己set path=%CDROM% 参考98启动盘的:
@echo off
set RAMD=
set CDROM=
echo Preparing to start your computer.
echo This may take a few minutes. Please wait...
if errorlevel 255 goto no_ramdrive
if not errorlevel 3 goto no_ramdrive
goto do_shift
if errorlevel %1 goto no_shift
set cdrom=%2
if not %1*==* goto loop
goto no_ramdrive
set ramd=%2
if "%RAMD%"=="C" goto c_drive
goto success
echo Windows 98 has detected that drive C does not contain a valid FAT or
echo FAT32 partition. There are several possible causes.
echo 1. The drive may need to be partitioned. To create a partition on the drive,
echo run FDISK from the MS-DOS command prompt.
echo 2. You may be using third-party disk-partitioning software. If you are using
echo this type of software, remove the Emergency Boot Disk and restart your
echo computer. Then, follow the on-screen instructions to start your computer from
echo a floppy disk.
echo .
echo 3. Some viruses also cause your drive C to not register. You can use a virus
echo scanning program to check your computer for viruses.
goto success
echo The Windows 98 startup disk could not create a temporary drive for the
echo diagnostic tools. This may be because this computer has less than the
echo minimum required extended memory.