-volume string Volume Label
-sysid string System ID
-appid string Application ID
-volset string Volume Set ID
-preparer string Preparer
-publisher string Publisher
-ilong Long filename for ISO 9660 volume, up to 31 chars
-imax Max filename for ISO 9660 volume, up to 207 chars
-vernum Include file version number
-lowercase Allow lowercase letter
-joliet Create joliet volume
-jlong Long filename for joliet volume, up to 103 chars
-rockridge Create RockRidge volume
-udf Create UDF volume
-hfs Create Apple HFS volume
-bootfile filename Set boot file
-bootinfotable Generate boot information table in boot file
-optimize Optimize file systems by coding same files only once
-file filename Add one file or folder (include folder name and all files and folders under it)
-directory dirname Add all files and folders under given directory (not include directory name itself)
-newdir dirname Create a new directory
-chdir dirname Change current directory in ISO image
-rmdir filename Remove a file or folder from ISO image (full path should be specified)
-pn filename n=1-9, set priority of a file or folder(full path should be specified)
-hide filename Set hidden attribute of a file or folder(full path should be specified)
-ahide filename Set advanced hidden attribute of a file or folder(full path should be specified)
-input filename Input ISO image
-output filename Output ISO image
-bin2iso filename Convert input CD/DVD image to ISO format
-dmg2iso filename Convert input DMG image to ISO format
-list filename Create a list of files and folders in an ISO image
-get filename Set a file or folder(full path should be specified) to be extracted
-extract dirname Extract ISO image to specified directory
-copy drive: Make ISO image from a CD/DVD drive (use -output to define the filename)
-checksum Create file checksums before saving an ISO image
-md5 Generate MD5 hash code of ISO image after saved
-crc32 Generate CRC-32 checksum of ISO image after saved
-crc16 Generate CRC-16/CRC-CCITT checksum of ISO image after saved
-crc32 Generate CRC-32 checksum of ISO image after saved
-crc16 Generate CRC-16/CRC-CCITT checksum of ISO image after saved
Create a new ISO image, adding one file(autoexec.bat) and all files and folders in "c:\program files\ultraiso" to it. Using ISO 9660-MAX name length(up to 207) and allow lowercase characters in filename.
Note: You can use shorter name 'l' for 'lowercase' and 'out' for 'output', so long as it does not conflict with other parameters. In addition, all string or filename with SPACE character should be quoted by "".